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they helmake it less of a dog′s life
他们帮忙改善生活  detail>>
a dog s life
犬之道  detail>>
a life less ordinary
标心者 非凡际遇 你行我素  detail>>
amoeba-less life cycle
无阿米巴生活史  detail>>
life less ordinary
天使爱情鸟笼伴  detail>>
a cat and dog life
水火不容的生活  detail>>
a cat-and-dog life
争争吵吵的日子  detail>>
cat and dog life
吵吵闹闹的生活  detail>>
cat-and-dog life
经常吵闹的生活  detail>>
lead a cat-and-dog life
过着不和睦的敌对的生活  detail>>
live a dog and cat life
(夫妻)过着不和谐的生活  detail>>
my life as a dog
狗脸的岁月  detail>>
the dog happy life mcdonalds
狗狗的幸福生活 麦当劳版  detail>>
it may take no less than my life
它要的或许比我的生命还多  detail>>
 〔附在名词或动词之后〕 1.构成形容词,表示“无”,“缺”,“没有”: endless, homeless, leafless. 2.构成副词,表示“不”, doubt...  detail>>
 adj.  〔little 的比较级之一〕 1.更小的,较小的,更少的,较少的。 2.较次的,较劣的,较不重要的;身分较低的。  ...  detail>>
no less
仍然,依旧,还是 只有  detail>>
or less
氢溴酸溶液  detail>>